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PATINA meeting – 2-3 November

We had another great meeting as part of the RCUK DE Programme PATINA project. We spent a lot of time talking about plans for the coming year's HCI interventions. These are going to focus on archaeological field settings so now we need to formalise those settings. We spoke a lot about open archaeology and sharing, and I think a lot of this will also play to the strengths of the new DataPool JISC project here at Southampton. Continue reading →

CAA 2011 Beijing

The ACRG will be attending CAA Beijing 11-16 April 2011. Confirmed speakers include Tom Brughmans, Leif Isaksen, Geoff Avern, Steve Stead, Graeme Earl and Hembo Pagi. Topics include Network Analysis, Semantic Web, Field capture using iGPS, the CIDOC-CRM, High Performance Computing and Graphics, the PATINA, Portus, RTISAD and IDMB projects and the Herculaneum Amazon project. Continue reading →