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Catriona Cooper

My thesis is titled “How can we use digital media to explore lived experience in later medieval buildings?”. This thesis will be based on two digital projects. The first at Bodiam Castle will explore how visualisation produces a narrative from the observation of the archaeological record through to how the real of the simulated past is perceived. Continue reading →

Night with Gertrude. And Victor.

Updated Dec 9th: Video added. Gertrude is an old lady. About 600 years old. She is one of the wooden statues at the high altar in St. Nicholas' Church, Tallinn. Gertrude is reviled to the public three times a year. Rest of the time she and other status are hidden behind the massive altar wings. Those altar wings are covered with medieval comic strip about life of St. Nicholas and St. Victor. Altar is by Hermen Rode, artist from Lübeck, finished around 1481 AD. Continue reading →

Grab the CAD with GrabCAD

Today I had very interesting meeting with chief engineer from GrabCAD. As they say on their website GrabCAD is a community founded by mechanical engineers. It is also a place for engineers to share their talent, expand knowledge, find a dream project and work with tools and features that make life better. We were discussing how this engineering tool, which enables you to share and collaboratively work with your 3D models, could be used in cultural heritage and archaeology. Continue reading →

ACRG in Australia

Today we (me and Eleanora) gave a small presentation about ACRG at the Archaeology department in Perth, Australia. 3D work, photogrammetry and RTI projects were presented. Saturday we are off to North of Australia were we are working with Martin Porr and Annieka Skinner on rock art recording project. Continue reading →

Spreading the word about CAA and ACRG

Few days ago we hold a seminar session about the CAA2012 in University of Tartu, Estonia. There were  five of us from Estonia participating CAA conference this year, so we decided to give a highlight of interesting papers and share the conference experience with Estonian archaeological community. We got full seminar room, and not only from archaeology. Continue reading →