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Rode Imaging Event

Few posts ago i wrote about imaging work at St. Nicholas church in Tallinn, Estonia. Now this has grown into bigger collaboration and a co-hosted event in coming May. There will be three speakers from ACRG: Graeme Earl, James Miles and me. Check the museum's website for more information and registering . Continue reading →

Bringing the Neolithic Figurines of Koutroulou Magoula Back to Life

Clay Neolithic figurines are some of the most enigmatic archaeological objects, which depict in a miniature form humans, animals, other anthropomorphic or zoomorphic beings, and often hybrid or indeterminate entities. Figurines have excited scholarly and public imagination, and have given rise to diverse interpretations. The assemblage from Koutroulou Magoula, a Middle Neolithic site - 5800-5300 BC - in central Greece (excavated under the co-direction of Prof. Continue reading →

The Oxford Handbook of Light in Archaeology

Recently, I signed a contract with Oxford University Press for an interdisciplinary volume entitled The Oxford Handbook of Light in Archaeology. This book, which will be edited by myself and Graeme Earl, is the only book to date dedicated to the concept of light in archaeology, since existing work in this area is either specifically related to forms of illumination, to isolated case studies or to light in literature and iconography. Continue reading →

Night with Gertrude. And Victor.

Updated Dec 9th: Video added. Gertrude is an old lady. About 600 years old. She is one of the wooden statues at the high altar in St. Nicholas' Church, Tallinn. Gertrude is reviled to the public three times a year. Rest of the time she and other status are hidden behind the massive altar wings. Those altar wings are covered with medieval comic strip about life of St. Nicholas and St. Victor. Altar is by Hermen Rode, artist from Lübeck, finished around 1481 AD. Continue reading →

Symposium at Rochester: Contemporary Themes in 3D Archaeological Computing

I am going to be speaking on December 4th 2013 at a symposium on 3d digital archaeology. The symposium, organised by Renato Perucchi and Elizabeth Colantoni at the University of Rochester, will discuss state-of-the-art multidisciplinary issues bridging the humanities and the applied sciences related to 3D modeling, visualization, and analysis including engineering evaluations of complex archaeological structures and data. Continue reading →