My PhD research is entitled ‘Augmenting Archaeological Walks’. A novel approach for designing on-site interpretation.’ Central to my research is the examination of methodologies for exploring and catering for visitor movement around rural archaeological sites and the new potential for on-site presentation introduced by the ‘augmented space paradigm’. I am an Mphil/PhD student working towards my PhD thesis on novel approaches to archaeological walks. I’m also part-time RA on PATINA project and senior member staff of D.E.P.A.S. Mycenae fieldwork project in Greece (The Archaeological Society at Athens in collaboration with the Archaeology Department of Dickinson College, Carlisle).
I concluded my BA in Archaeology (Department of Art History and Archaeology, National University of Athens) and continued with my MSc in Preservation of Monuments and Sites (Department of Architecture, National Technical University of Athens). My interest in the field of architectural Heritage studies developed during my Masters degree which equipped me with a range of theoretical and technical skills that I have successfully implemented in several relevant projects.
My growing interest in studies such as mobile augmented reality, human-computer interaction and visual ethnographic methodologies has unfolded a series of new research directions and collaborations that complement my core interest in the field of cultural heritage.