Computed Tomography scanning of Roman Coins

 Over the past week the Guardian and several other websites have published some of the results from the work that I did on the Selby Area hoard. A number of different images were provided to these different sites but only a few were used. I have written a paper on this and I am hopeful that it will be published in The Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology 2012 proceedings, but I thought in the meantime that it would be beneficial to include these images within a blog on the ACRG website.

The pots were first photographed, laser scanned and then scanned using computed tomography (Several x-rays from varying angles). The computed tomography data was processed into three dimensional voxels which then allowed the subsequent analysis to take place. Individual coins have been extracted from the core coin sample have undergone a virtual RTI examination to extract further surface detail.

The below images provide a step by step process and highlight the benefit that computed tomography has with in this archaeological study. Also included is the animation work that I (Computed tomography) and Grant Cox (3D visualisation) completed which is now housed in the British Museum Citi Money Gallery, the Guardian website and ITV Meridian News webpage#