I am a PhD candidate at University of Southampton, working towards my thesis on novel approaches for the design of archaeological walks . As an active researcher in the field of computing applications for Cultural Heritage, I communicate my work and the pertinent issues of my discipline in several conferences, invited lectures and workshops as well as targeted publications. I also, sit on the committee of the CAA-GR (the Greek chapter of Computing Application and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology).
I concluded my BA in Archaeology (Department of Art History and Archaeology, National University of Athens) and continued with my MSc in Preservation of Monuments and Sites (Department of Architecture, National Technical University of Athens).
My growing interest in studies such as mobile and desktop augmented reality, human-computer interaction and visual ethnographic methodologies has unfolded a series of new research directions and collaborations which complement my core interest in the field of cultural heritage.
I first visited Portus in 2011, as a research assistant for the PATINA Project, where I ran a student and staff-led photographic and personal video recording (with wearable lightweight cameras) study to reveal the interactions taking place between participants (experts and students) and between participants and their research environment. Ever since, I have been involved in a preliminary work which looks at ways of disseminating to a wider audience the rich physical and digital outputs of the Portus Project through novel technologies (on-site and remotely).
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