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RTI stands for Reflectance Trasformation Imaging.

Ultraviolet RTI

A painted and incised ceramic vessel was used as case study in an attempt to evaluate the efficiency of Reflected UV (UVR) RTI and UV induced visible fluorescence (UVF) RTI. The Highlight RTI data capture took place at the archaeological imaging laboratory of the University of Southampton, using a UV-VIS-IR modified DSLR camera, adequate filters and lighting. The reflected UV-RTI datasets were captured with a UV transmitter and an IR barrier filter. Continue reading →

Postcards from the field: Studying the Neolithic figurines from Koutroulou Magoula, Greece Clay Neolithic figurines are some of the most enigmatic archaeological objects, which depict in a miniature form humans, animals, other anthropomorphic or zoomorphic beings, and often hybrid or indeterminate entities. Figurines have excited scholarly and public imagination, and have given rise to diverse interpretations. The assemblage from Koutroulou Magoula, a Middle Neolithic site – 5800-5300 BC – in central Greece (excavated under the co-direction of Prof. Continue reading →

True Gigapixel RTI

The ACRG has always been an integral part within the recent development of RTI. ACRG's involvement began with the AHRC funded RTISAD project where we piloted the technique on inscribed ancient documents and archaeological artefacts. We likewise raised awareness of RTI in research and public communities in the UK. Continue reading →

Update on the Hoa Hakananai’a Statue

In 2012 ACRG members, James Miles and Hembo Pagi, completed a series of RTI captures and a photogrammetry model of the Easter Island Statue, Hoa Hakananai'a, which is currently housed in the British Museum. Since then, in collaboration with Mike Pitts, we have examined the results of these RTI files and compared them with the photogrammetry model. A brief discussion of this work can be seen in a previous blog post. Continue reading →

Annotating RTI data in 3d and 2d

I’ve been talking to a lot people in recent months about annotation frameworks for RTI and today’s introduction to the #rodeimagingevent (see Hembo's blog post) has crystalised some of these. I was talking to @kathrynpiquette about annotation and I also tweeted a query to @iipimage about it. @portableant suggested annotorious (something that I know our current MSc student Vassilis Valergas has been examining) and also openCanvas was suggested. Continue reading →

Papyrus RTI case study

The Derveni tombs discovered in 1962 close to Thessaloniki in North Greece are considered one of the most significant archaeological sites in northern Greece because of their numerous rich grave offerings and their important location in the ancient Mygdonian city of Lete, on the pass of Via Egnatia. The cemetery comprises seven graves, and according to the excavation publication dates to 320–290 BC. Continue reading →

Burying the Digital

I am at Museums and the Web this week in Baltimore. I was sat next to @trinkermedia and we were talking enthusiastically about  the physical, tangible and the interactive digital (as usual). Over the last few years we have been digitising very large collections of cuneiform tablets and are mid way through developing an open source Reflectance Transformation Imaging web renderer that will allow interaction with these on mobile devices and desktops. Continue reading →

Night with Gertrude. And Victor.

Updated Dec 9th: Video added. Gertrude is an old lady. About 600 years old. She is one of the wooden statues at the high altar in St. Nicholas' Church, Tallinn. Gertrude is reviled to the public three times a year. Rest of the time she and other status are hidden behind the massive altar wings. Those altar wings are covered with medieval comic strip about life of St. Nicholas and St. Victor. Altar is by Hermen Rode, artist from Lübeck, finished around 1481 AD. Continue reading →